The metric in the customer experience is the first step towards an improvement in the management of this. Any business that sets out to differentiate itself in the market through a superior customer experience must be measurable. Measuring and managing this measurement according to the different actions and points of contact with the customer will make the difference with your competitors. In short, our Wowcx colleagues will help you In the following link to identify the main metrics.
Where to apply the metric.
The elements that we must measure within the customer experience are the following:
– Attributes of service desired by the client.
– Customer attitudes towards the company.
– Bad or unmet customer needs.
– Customer dissatisfaction points
– Areas of improvement for the client
– Importance for the satisfaction of that element that causes dissatisfaction.
Finally you can seea synthesized view of the metrics on the blogfrom one of the leaders in marketing automation Hub Spot.
From what data do we measure.
The main data sources are the following
Operational metric, data from the CRM or ERP.
To begin with, its main objective is to analyze the cause-effect relationship between the relationships between company actions and customer reactions. They indicate what is happening with the customer even without them realizing it and can serve as one of the main indicators.
As an example we would have returned products, claims, modification of invoices, … Quality metrics should also be included
We must also look for failures in the process and how they impact customer satisfaction, since these failures and unnecessary actions are obvious targets for improvement.
The normal thing is to start with the most prevalent ones such as returned products, service changes, access to technical service and then expand it.
This information is the most important and the operations manager must rely on the operational information combined by the surveys and complaint data.
Customer complaints and inquiries data.
Normally, they must be dealt with separately, queries have more weight (they are not seen as complaints). They are the most visible danger signs. They are generally produced in real time from customer interactions with the service system, mainly telephone, email …
Therefore they must be collected, categorized and the team must follow up. And of course data of the complaints is collected to close the process
Survey Data (metric from customers)
To begin with, it is systematically collected data. In other words, they are the most reliable source of data on loyalty and word of mouth.
You can first include open-ended questions of the reason for the rating to find out the loyalty drivers and word of mouth.
Though for customer experience program managers, response rates offer a significant challenge. One of the questions asked is: What response rate can I expect?
It seems that, according to the companySatmetrixResponse rates may vary depending on the type of experience as follows:
B2b | B2C | |
Relacional | 32% | 13% |
Transactional | 23% | 16% |
Employee feedback
It is possible that the employees who are in contact with the client are one of the best sources of information that is working and what is not working, it is important to obtain information from the most frustrating situations.
Data from the internet (social networks, reviews …)
First are those coming from social media, online reviews, communities and other sources of unstructured data.
These media, such as social media, only 3% of people use them to complain. Consequently, the challenge is the same as the complaints, it must be decided how to extrapolate the data to the market as a whole.
And finally, our customer experience measurement platform allows us to monitor the main metrics in real time, REQUEST A FREE TRIAL