To start the implementation of a customer experience program in the company it is necessary to take into account a very clear process. In this post we are going to analyze the factors to take into account in order to succeed in the implementation of a voice of the customer program.
The three keys to implementing a customer experience program.
To implement a voice of the customer program, the first thing to define is a long-term goal, short-term objectives and tracking metrics.
The goal serves to keep the project on track, because implementing a customer experience program is complicated within organizations, especially SMEs. You can complement how to listen to the voice of the customer in the following post.
As for the definition of short-term objectives, they are necessary to demonstrate how it is possible to make the Customer Experience profitable. In this way we will be able to maintain management’s confidence in this project.
Metrics allow us to monitor the progress of the project, the fundamental one being the NPS indicator. You can analyze the different challenges of a voice of customer program in the blog of our colleagues at izo.
Program dimension.
The second part of this implementation process is to dimension in a scalable way the resources, both in terms of technology and time of the people involved in the organization. Having the Voice of the Customer systematized through software such as is fundamental.
The reason is clear, it is not possible to work manually due to its high cost, this need to automate makes a platform necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to start with a small, easily manageable, cost efficient project that allows to gain knowledge but that allows scalability, interconnecting the platform with other technological tools of the company such as crm, ecommerce,….
A last step is to evangelize the whole company, do it from the beginning and work with a vision that the whole company must be committed to customer experience, including customer experience as part of the variable compensation.
In this ambition to monetize the Voice of the Customer it is necessary to react to the direct listening of surveys, which have at different points of the customer journey, by automating responses.
This allows you to answer your customers one by one, depending on the type of customer. In addition, it is essential to work on the customer journey to understand customer expectations very well and to be able to redesign interactions.
As we have pointed out, people, organizational commitment and technology such as are the key elements for the successful implementation of a voice of the customer program. And if you have any questions, let us know RIGHT HERE, we are happy to help you.